Fats and Fatty Acids

Do not run from fat, take advantage of its benefits

The majority of people, especially those very poorly informed, tend to demonize fat accusing them of being the main enemy that does not lose weight. It is true that excess weight normally accumulates as fat, but it is not true that the fat you eat will automatically go to your belly or any other body part, and we will explain why.

consume fats

Everyone works differently according to their genetic predisposition, so what is explained below is what usually happens, but can not be so in the circumstances of each one so to make sure you do the right thing in terms of fat intake should consult with a doctor, endocrinologist or nutritionist to make you a personalized study.

Excess Calories
Let’s start by saying that the previous statement is not true, is not overweight which accumulates as fat, as there may be excess weight that accumulates in the form of muscle. What really accumulate as fat is excess calories that our body does not use, and no matter where they come from those extra calories will accumulate as fat.

But you can be eating 0 grams of fat a day and be gaining fat, to metabolizing an excess of carbohydrates in fat, and you can eat 100 grams of fat a day and lose fat as long as you’re in caloric deficit.

It is true that fat is the most calorie-dense macronutrient: 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories, while 1 gram of carbohydrates and 1 gram of protein both contain 4 calories, so consuming foods rich in fats is easy to overdo with calories.

Learning to consume fats
However consuming fats properly we can take advantage of their benefits. The important thing, as we have said many times, is the total calories we consume throughout the day. We must calculate our daily calorie intake and never overdo it if we do not want to get fat, then we’ll be eating fat quietly and not gain weight.

Moreover not all fats are equal. Calorically yes, but when it comes to the benefits that we bring in from then that not.

Benefits of fats
Among the fats we can find saturated, unsaturated and poly-unsaturated, with the last two, especially unsaturated, the most beneficial to our health, and saturated less beneficial but also necessary.

Normally we tend to consume many saturated fats and few healthy fats, and what to do is reverse this trend.

Healthy fats help regulate cholesterol, increasing good cholesterol, to avoid problems in our circulatory system to regulate a large number of hormones, including for example testosterone, which helps build muscle mass… in addition, the omega 3 fatty acids also have many benefits.

If you’re dieting do not run away from fats, avoids excess calories and take advantage of the benefits of healthy fats, which can get in salmon, distilled fish oil (omega 3), olives, olive oil, nuts (especially walnuts), avocado … and reduces the consumption of saturated fats (fried foods, pastries, sauces…).