Nutritious Foods

Benefits and properties of chanterelles

We are in the season of mushrooms, and one of the examples that we can taste are the chanterelles whose properties, benefits and uses we show you below so you can take advantage of them during this season.


Properties of chanterelles

The chanterelles or cantharellus cibarius or Cantharellus tubaeformis are characterized by a yellowish color and an elongated trumpet shape. Like other mushrooms, they contain high water content, are low in fat and of poor caloric value.

Its protein content is high compared to other vegetables, although as some studies point out, it does not exceed 2 grams per 100 grams.

It stresses its minerals including predominate phosphorus and potassium, as well as the contribution of vitamin D is one of the foods with higher proportions of nutrient and B vitamins.

Likewise, chanterelles are a source of a variety of bioactive compounds, among which are flavonoids and other polyphenols, which give these mushrooms antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of chanterelles

Because of its reduced energy intake but good nutrients, especially plant proteins and vitamin D, chanterelles can be allied with diets to lose weight or those who have a vegan diet and seek to obtain nutrients such as those mentioned above in the animal kingdom.

On the other hand, given its antioxidant and antimicrobial power, the ingestion of chanterelles could be helpful in preventing diseases caused by oxidative stress.

As a study, benefits were observed for different types of cancer with chanterelle extract as well as antihypertensive properties and an effect against various pathogenic bacteria that could be helpful in reducing the risk of suffering from different infectious diseases.

Also, a research conducted in 2014 indicates that due to its richness in polyphenols, especially flavonoids, chanterelles have a powerful aniinflammatory effect that could be helpful for the prevention and treatment of different diseases. For example, it could be helpful to reduce the risk of suffering from obesity and associated metabolic diseases, as well as, to treat joint pathologies such as arthritis.

Can I eat raw chanterelles?

It is known that chanterelles are extremely rare and this is their property that led scientists of the last century to study the effect of fungal substances on parasites.

In the end it turned out that, when eating the pulp, the parasites died instantly, which caused the idea of the content of poison in the mushrooms. But if they contain poisonous substances, is it possible to eat raw chanterelles without risk to health and life?

eat raw chanterelles

Destroy the parasites is not poison, but a polysaccharide, which does not cause any harm to the human body. Its name – hinomannoza, concentrates in the meat and fungi in contact with the worm blocks the nerves, paralyzing the lungs and immediate cause of his death and elimination of the organism.

The chanterelles contain another polysaccharide, called beta-glucan. First, it helps strengthen immunity, which helps in the fight against parasites, and secondly, betaglucan actively produces leukocytes called eosinophils, which include a special myelin protein.

The latter disastrously affects the eggs of the parasites, destroys their protective shell and does not give the opportunity to survive a single individual within the human body. In this case, no harm was found to the body itself.

On the question of whether it is possible to eat raw chanterelles, scientists unanimously give a positive response, as they are so useful that they resemble a panacea for the human body, rather than a simple food product.

How to use chanterelles in the kitchen

Like other mushrooms, it is best to use chanterelle mushrooms, having cleaned them well because they can have many pathogenic microorganisms when they grow on land.

Although we usually consume them in cooked, they are apt to consume in crude although their digestibility will be inferior.

We can use them as part of different dishes, including a pasta sauce, a stir-fry, a soup or cream and many other recipes with alone or with a variety of other mushrooms.

Contraindications of chanterelles

The chanterelles are indispensable for the health of the body thanks to their useful properties. As you know, classic antiparasitic drugs even kill worms, but the body as a whole has a strong impact. Chanterelles, on the other hand, together with the anthelminthic struggle contribute to the general strengthening and improvement of all human life support systems.

But no matter how useful the chanterelles are, they still have a series of contraindications. Like all mushrooms, they are a heavy food for digestion, which means that people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should exercise caution when using chanterelles, dosing its quantity. It is also worthwhile indicating the changerelles consumption for the pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Sometimes people face allergies to mushroom, which leads to intolerance of their body. Do not forget that mushroom collected in an ecologically unfavorable area will become toxic to the body. Experienced mushroom pickers easily distinguish ordinary wraps from fake one, which can also harm a person.

But not only to collect chanterelles, it needs energy properly and recycle. Obligatory is the primary treatment that lasts three to five hours immediately after collection. Store the mushrooms, too, need to the right, in a dark and cool place, and not too long, no more than seven hours.