
Benefits and properties of coconut water

If there is a characteristic and tropical summer food itself that’s the coconut, which we can take advantage of not only its delicious pulp of entire form (e.g. into pieces) but also crushed, produce coconut oil or nourishing coconut milk. But if there is an ideal liquid for rehydrate and enjoy all its nutritional qualities that is undoubtedly the coconut water.

coconut water

Coconut water is the clear liquid that almost naturally found in the hollow interior of coconut. Sometimes it has an opaque color and it is surrounded by wonderful coconut pulp. Its flavor is very characteristic, which depends not only on the state of the coconut (if for example it is fresh or dry), and the land where the coconut palm is placed. It is probably one of the most famous and traditional coconut water, becoming in fact a popular drink in many tropical areas, especially Brazil, Colombia, the Caribbean Islands, Dominican Republic, India and Ivory Coast.

Its preparation is very simple: we just have to make a hole in the coconut and get inside the liquid. As we see, it is much simpler to prepare coconut milk or coconut oil, since the crushing of its pulp is necessary to obtain coconut milk. However, it is true that if we want pure coconut water it is best to choose only by green coconut.

The amazing benefits of coconut water

High in essential nutrients
Coconut water is a natural fluid very rich in essential nutrients, among which we mention B vitamins, minerals (including potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium) and trace elements (selenium, zinc, sulfur and iodine), amino acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Useful to prevent dehydration
Coconut water is a natural drink with a high content of potassium and other mineral salts (such as is the case of magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and calcium), which makes it a very useful drink to prevent dehydration, quench our thirst and rehydrate in case of certain diseases.

Strengthens our defenses
As a drink rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium becomes an ideal drink to increase our defenses and strengthen the immune system, being at the same time ideal to bring us energy and reduce fatigue.

It is very useful to boost the immune system while helping to fight infections, acting as an antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.

Good regulator of the thyroid
In the case of hypothyroidism regularly drink coconut water it becomes a good natural adjuvant, as natural enzymes help to stimulate underactive thyroid, especially in cases of hypothyroidism. However, this quality is also observed in cases of hyperthyroidism, when the thyroid is greatly stimulated.

An excellent digestive
Coconut water is a wonderful digestive, useful for very positively regulate different functions as both intestinal digestive. In fact it is an excellent digestive tonic, improving digestion due to its content and contribution in bioactive enzymes.

Useful for mild constipation
If you suffer from mild constipation coconut water acts as a mild laxative, although the effect depends on the amount consumed. Therefore, the more we drink coconut water effect will obviously be much greater.

Good for the heart
For its wealth of natural antioxidants and potassium it is an especially good drink to protect the health of our heart, making it ideal for the prevention of heart attacks. Therefore it is also useful when it comes to reduce and regulate blood pressure.