Baby FoodsFood Tips

Educate your children about food

The food is very important for physical and mental development of our children, our duty as parents have a duty to compete with a culture where fast food and processed foods are the rule and also food of choice.

educate children about food

Change of Mentality
It is important that we should change, that we understand as adults that our lifestyle and food will only serve to make our children inherit much more short-lived than ours, because in addition to grow poorly fed, they will be adults with poor culture on health and welfare.

Childhood Obesity
Obesity is a major cause of death, die each year at least 2.8 million people because of obesity or overweight. Overweight children are more likely to become obese adults, develop diabetes in early ages, cardiovascular disease and premature death in general.

What is the problem and how to fix it?
Obviously as parents we have a problem and in front of us a responsibility, care for our children today and in the future requires that we change our own cultural paradigms relating to food and our relationship with food.

Where do I start?
First and foremost, we learn about the effects of food in our bodies, ways to cook healthy without sacrificing taste of food and master the art of presenting”friendly” dishes for children.

The second step is to educate our children about what they eat and for this we have a few simple steps:

  • Read books about cooking with your children: we are not talking about reading long and boring recipes, it is doing so through a fun game where you learn about each food.
  • Involve your children in the planning of the daily meals: Take the kids to the market to help us pick plants, vegetables and fruits, it can be a very useful tool of learning and also feel much more interested in what they eat.
  • If you have space built a small family garden: If you have the opportunity to involve your children in the entire process, from planting the seed until it gets the final product, you will wake up his interest in the feeding.
  • Cooks with them: Do not be afraid to involve your children in the cooking process, do it with them and assign them simple tasks, having participated in the preparation of the food they will be eager to eat.
  • Avoid giving them refined sugars, too much processed food and fast food, just because it’s much easier for us in the long run as long as you save them is to take them off in years of healthy life.