Food Tips

Foods that contain calcium and non-dairy

Calcium is a mineral of utmost importance for the health of bones, maintaining the health of blood vessels, regulate blood pressure and prevent insulin resistance, however it is necessary to ask ourselves, can we find this nutrient in other foods as well as dairy products?

eat dairy products

Is it good to eat dairy products?
The dairy products of animal origin have always been known to be a highly nutritious food, especially for children, as the main source of calcium, vitamin B12 and minerals essential for growth, however today, some negative effects have caused that there is debate on this issue.

Possible negative effects of dairy products

  • Milk reduces the amount of iron in the blood in young children, in addition to the less than one year do not have a mature digestive system enough to digest this food that is high in protein, sodium and potassium.
  • It is said that the high levels of protein found in milk can be difficult to handle for the kidneys of a baby under 18 months old, so it is advisable to delay their consumption, at least until the year.
  • Milk stimulates the production of mucus in the body, it promotes allergies and colds.
  • It promotes the production of bacteria in the body, being full of bacteria.
  • The protein present in the known as casein milk produces inflammation in the soft tissues of the throat and the nasal cavities.
  • Milk is high in sugar known as lactose, which is hard to digest, so their consumption can cause digestive problems.

Foods that contain calcium
The human being is the only mammal that consumes milk of another animal and is the only one that does it in adulthood, which leads us to think that it may not be as necessary as we think or that we can obtain their nutrients from any other food.

If you want to avoid the negative effects caused by the consumption of dairy products in the body, you’re lactose intolerant, suffering very common, or simply do not want to consume, here is a list of alternatives so that you make sure that your diet is balanced and includes consumption of calcium.

  • Green vegetables, especially spinach is a great source of calcium. A rate of cooked spinach is equivalent to 200mg of calcium.
  • Beans, especially black beans. These also provide potassium and folic acid.
  • Sardines. Besides being a source of calcium, it provides omega 3 and vitamin D, necessary to fix calcium in bones.
  • Almonds. A quarter cup contains 72mg of calcium, plus vitamin E, potassium and iron.
  • Oranges. It also has a high content of calcium, but it also has sugars, so limit your intake to the morning hours.

As you can see, there are many foods that can give us the calcium we need to be healthy and avoid the uncomfortable discomforts that sometimes can have dairy consumption.

The important thing the moderation is always, neither have you to stop consuming 100%, if you like a lot, only necessary to moderate their consumption and replace it with a food from the list.

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