Eggs & Milk

Hazelnut milk: Benefits and properties

The vegetable milks are natural and healthy beverages within a varied and balanced diet, and can become an excellent choice when suffering from lactose intolerance (very common today and which prevents regular consumption of cow’s milk that has not been treated to remove lactose, the sugar in milk which is broken down into glucose and galactose by the action of the lactase enzyme).

hazelnut milk

In relation to the aforementioned vegetable milks, one of its main advantages is that by following the basic tips of elaboration and with enough necessary ingredients, we can easily prepare at home and enjoy the moment. Not to mention – obviously – their different nutritional qualities.

In the case of hazelnut milk, it is a vegetable drink that provides virtually the same benefits as almond milk.

Benefits of hazelnut milk

The hazelnut milk is a vegetable drink origin obtained from raw or roasted hazelnuts. Precisely at the time of compilation, you should avoid using hazelnuts that have been fried or prepared with salt.

It is an especially rich drink in vitamin E, an essential vitamin known for its antioxidant properties, helping to reduce the negative effects of free radicals.

Regarding its vitamin content must also highlight the presence of folic acid, essential not only for pregnant women but for those who wish to stay in state, since it prevents defects both in the placenta and the fetus itself (it is advisable in fact that 3 months before pregnancy both the woman and the man to start taking folic acid each day).

It is useful in case of high cholesterol, mainly for its richness in saturated fatty acids, so to make every day a glass of hazelnut milk along with the follow-up to a balanced diet and low in fat will help in a positive manner to reduce the high levels of fats in the blood.

As regards its mineral content, we can mention such important nutrients like calcium (hence this drink is a good substitute for cow’s milk) and magnesium.

Related also: Benefits of pistachio milk

How to make hazelnut milk?


  • 200 grams of raw or toasted hazelnuts
  • 1 half liter mineral water
  • 1 pinch of vanilla.


If you use raw hazelnuts it is desirable that throughout the previous night to keep them soak in water (which will helps to make them more digestive). The next day removes the water and reserves the hazelnuts.

  • Rinse hazelnuts well in water.
  • For 5 minutes liquefies hazelnuts until it forms a liquid creamy appearance or white color.
  • Strain the drink using a sieve or cotton gauze.
  • If you wish, you can add a pinch of vanilla and sugar to add flavor.