Fats and Fatty AcidsNutritious Foods


The Omega 3 is a type of fatty acid that is characterized as polyunsaturated and essential. In this sentence there are 2 things that should explain:

omega 3

  • Omega 3 is a polyunsaturated fat and, therefore, of the considered healthy fats.
  • It is a nutrient that the body is unable to produce from others, and therefore it is essential to include foods rich in Omega 3 in our diet if we want our body has the essential Omega 3 fatty acids.

Importance of Omega 3 in the diet
Within a dietary Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids are needed. Currently, most people eat both at a ratio of 10 to 1. However, according to Barry Sears, the “father” of the Zone Diet this ratio should be around 4: 1, quite different from what most people use. The Omega 3 is one of the key nutrients to be in the area, while Omega 6 fatty acids are necessary but must control their intake. Omega 6 fatty acids appear in eggs, meat or vegetable oils.

Furthermore, in Omega 3 fatty acids are two types: EPA and DHA, which should be consumed in a ratio of 2-1 according to Dr. Barry Sears.

Why Omega 3 is so important and its proportion? As for the countless benefits that Omega 3:

  • It contributes to the normal functioning of the heart (with at least 250 mg of EPA and DHA per day).
  • It helps maintain normal blood pressure and normal levels of triglycerides (at least 3-5g of EPA and DHA per day).
  • It helps maintain normal brain function and the maintenance of normal vision (with at least 250 mg of DHA per day).
  • The Omega 3, according to recent studies, can help against inflammatory diseases and act as anti-inflammatory if it is incorporated in the correct doses in the diet.

Foods rich in Omega 3
Within a balanced diet and containing the proper proportion of Omega 3 fats we need inside should not miss 2 groups of nutrients, which are oily fish and dried fruits without added seasoning, especially nuts.

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