Food Tips

Useful foods for flat stomach

If you want to get a flat stomach and reduce it easily we suggest 4 delicious foods that will help you achieve it, ideal to include in your diet.

foods for flat stomach

Did you know that the belly is one of the parts of the body more inclined to the dilation? You may not be overweight but still not have a flat stomach. In these cases, that annoying ‘tummy’ may be due to inflammation and bloating (e.g. accumulation of gases), for usually overeat or maintain unsuitable from the point of view of both nutritional and health habits.

We must note especially the abdominal inflammation, which in some cases may be chronic, especially when there are few or digestive disorders and intestinal diseases, such as in the case of gastritis (which may or may not emotional), gastroenteritis, Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

A very helpful in getting a flat stomach as possible, besides natural choice obviously prevent overweight and physical exercise regularly, there are certain natural foods and beverages you can include in your daily diet, and that will help precisely when it comes to getting your goal. Not in vain, they are excellent to include in your daily diet when you combine it with the tracking of a well-balanced and low-fat diet and the practice of sport.

The best foods for a flat belly

The fruits
They are particularly rich in fiber and other essential nutrients useful for combating inflammation, especially when it has become chronic. Remember that it is very important to try to consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Among the more anti-inflammatory foods include: papaya, pineapple, apples and blackberries.

Plants and vegetables
As it happens with the fruits, both the vegetables and the plants are very rich in fiber and other nutrients with action or anti-inflammatory effect. Include spinach and broccoli.

The spices
They are delicious ingredients that help positively in flavoring and bring flavor to your dishes. They are also interesting if you want to get a flat belly, since they provide anti-inflammatory properties. In this case include ginger, cinnamon, garlic and chili.

Green tea
Who could resist a wonderful cup of green tea? Its leaves are rich in flavonoids, which exert an anti-inflammatory action. We can also mention the presence of EGCG, useful to help reduce fat from the body in a completely natural way.